It's 2:40 am and after a long time tossing and turning in bed without being able to sleep, I decided to write to appease all this mixture of sensations that keep me awake.
I try to battle these frequent tests of my patience with peace and tranquility. Tonight though, without a doubt, this test is stealing my sleep.
I was never patient at all and at this moment I can appreciate how I have been improving in this sense during the last years.
Yoga and meditation have been a wonderful tool to bring me peace and understanding, as well as a healthier and more conscious lifestyle. Lately I have tried to be more consistent in practicing yoga, because since motherhood, my routine has changed totally. Faith is something that helps me enormously, when waiting in a state of acceptance.
If there is something that helps me enormously to be able to wait in a state of acceptance is to have faith. Be aware that everything has a reason to be and even if I do not understand why things happen in a certain way, I will understand in the future.
Silence ... so wonderful! I had never appreciated it as much as I do it now. That moment when my fiancé and my son are sleeping peacefully in the middle of the night ... honestly is quite inspiring.
Many changes have occurred and more are coming soon and I can feel something strong in my plexus that tells me that there is much good to come, and that emotion is not letting me sleep right now.
I feel that everything is so close to happening! After two years of working on the jewellery project, I am about to fulfil what was at the beginning my dream… setting up my online store. Something that seemed so far away and now is already coming true. How blessed I feel! I can only feel gratitude for so much that he is giving me. Thank you God for so much!
And the plans continue. My eagerness to learn more and more and the workshop that I will assemble in the next months where I will be able to focus more on my work as a silversmith. I'm so excited!
So if you got here and you're reading this I want to thank you for your interest and your support. It is part of my project to share my experience of being an enterprising woman, mother and wife. I will try to maintain a balance between my professional and family life, to try to find a space for myself and for my spiritual development and I want to share every step of this adventure with you. There is still much to come!
I´m going for it!